video: "Bloody Winter" - Shunkan

video: "Bloody Winter" - Shunkan

Against a hilarious clip made to look like visual proof of interacting with an alien, Shunkan tears through the soaring new single, “Bloody Winter.” The sharp pricks of guitar and persistent, guiding drums back Marina Sakimoto’s accounts of a winter of deep feelings and an unreturned love. The track twirls in its own unexpected subtleties, Sakimoto’s vocals go from forceful and demanding to soft and airy. It’s a song of continuing questions: “am I still living in your head” and “am I still talking too much?” We never seem to arrive at any answers, with the song ending on a final dose of fuzz. Chapped lips, chilly outings in an all-black wardrobe, and living in your own head — all sound like the hallmarks of a chilly season, and we’re more than happy to accompany Sakimoto on this stroll through her glorious wonderland.

🖤 FOLLOW! @iamshunkan 🖤 © Song and lyrics by Marina Sakimoto Recorded by Shunkan