EP stream premiere: Rare Delusions - Supermilk

EP stream premiere: Rare Delusions - Supermilk
Supermilk promo April 2019.jpg

Rare Delusions begins with a tale of transition. And while you may not realize it at first, the story of a werewolf changing, which is supported by energetic keys and diving guitar, is tackling some serious subject matter: bipolar disorder.

On his newest EP, Rare Delusions, Supermilk, who you may also know as Jake Popyura from the band Doe, confronts everything from therapy to mental health with a soundtrack of unabashedly fun ‘90s-fueled fuzzy pop. Much like his work with Doe, Rare Delusions is equally open to individuality, tearing through a collection of blink-and-you-might-miss-it musical moments. From the swinging, crunching guitars and vociferous shouts of “Teens” to the chaotic fun of closer “Evonne,” this brief release is full of wondrous delights. Enjoy the entire stream below!

Preorder Rare Delusions on Keroleen Records here.