song: "Cherry Blossom" - Pom Pom Squad

song: "Cherry Blossom" - Pom Pom Squad

words: Gabriele Esposito-Wilcock

“Cherry Blossom” by Pom Pom Squad will leave you breathless upon first listen. The single tells the story of a breakup and how hard it is to let go after living and loving with someone for so long. It balances feelings of acknowledging that love was there as well as being hurt by a partner, taking accountability in the downfall of a relationship, being angry at the pain that was caused by your partner, and the sting that accompanies the conclusion of the relationship.

Mia Berrin, on vocals and additional guitar, expertly pens lyrics that feel familiar, but remain personal to her. The song opens with the line, “I was never so good at goodbyes.” which instantly grabs the listener, warning them that this is a song about heartbreak.

Pom Pom Squad crafts a somber tone by limiting their sound to slow guitars and bass and vocals. This puts emphasis on the emotion they create. About halfway through the track Berrin’s vocals are layered on top of each other kicking up the intensity of the song a notch. Her lush vocals are outlined with heartbreak, as if you’re given a window into the heartbreak that Berrin experienced. “Cherry Blossom” is a song that leads to repeated listens, allowing you to relish in how beautiful and brutal it truly is.