SXSW 2019: Our Favorite Finds

SXSW 2019: Our Favorite Finds

words: lauren rearick
photos: ansley lee
special contributor appearance: david combs of
bad moves

You don’t need a plane ticket to Austin, Texas to catch all the acts we’re excited about this year. Get comfy on your couch, because we’re taking you through some of our favorite finds of SXSW 2019. Below, you’ll find some of the bands that we fell in love with + a link to listen and purchase their tunes.


Ratboys — the band who seemingly manages to play every SXSW showcase — have this magic ability to make each live performance feel like it’s the very first time you’re seeing them. Performing tracks from previous releases and an upcoming new album, the band proved once again how essential and amazing their music truly is.


Listening to a PRIESTS record is literally the most fun experience. Seeing PRIESTS live is a fun and religious experience.

Black Belt Eagle Scout

Black Belt Eagle Scout provides a mellow and temporary escape from whatever is currently surrounding you, even if those surroundings happen to be amidst the madness of SXSW.

The Beths

In the words of David Combs from Bad Moves, The Beths are great because they really fucking nail the harmonies.

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illuminati hotties

Seeing illuminati hotties live was worth the possible sunburn. The band is basically an IRL version of the sun emoji, guitar emoji, and sunglass face emoji. And if that doesn’t make any sense, just know that they’re an absolute blast to see on stage, and after releasing Kiss Yr Frenemies in 2018, we can’t wait to see what this band does next.

LLUMINATI HOTTIES have a new song where the verses were like Primus, the chorus was like Dexys Midnight Runners and the delivery was like Cardi B, and in spite of how this sentence has gone so far, it might have been the best thing I've ever heard. // DC

Oh Sees

The mental fog and weariness I felt from the sun was lifted during the very spiritual experience of seeing Oh Sees live. Since last seeing them some many years ago, I can confirm that this band isn’t afraid to jam. And by jam, I mean add impressively extended guitar solos and weird instrumental moments to the end of songs, creating massively unexpected reiterations of Oh Sees’s songs you’ve come to love.

The two drummers from the Oh Sees did not look like they were in the same band but they were definitely both playing the same drumbeat. // DC

Another Michael

This Topshelf Records band proved to be one of those finds that set the perfect tone for an evening listening experience. Their beautifully soothing tunes served as the perfect break from the rush happening outside, encouraging you to simply forget whatever was waiting for you.

Pedro the Lion


We’ve long been fans of Blushh at TGE, but seeing them live fully brings to life their sunny melodies and fun spirit. Whether you listen to live or recorded material, this band always delivers on tunes that lift your entire mood.

Potty Mouth

Taking to the stage and floor of Hole in the Wall, Potty Mouth completely ripped through a number of cuts on their new album. Aside from having an entire wardrobe that I want to own, this band can seriously shred, and they’re a total blast.

Potty Mouth brought so much bop in both form and presentation. // DC

Sidney Gish

With just a guitar and a whole lot of effects, Sidney Gish brings an entire musical party — that’s all her creation — to life. My fellow Dunkin’ fan is seriously talented, and with amusing on-stage banter and some of the best indie pop songs you’ll hear, it’s beyond time to get familiar.



Every performance from CHAI is a party, and we’re lucky enough to have secured an invite.

とにかく、やってみる! やったことないことから、 ぜんぶやってみる! だって迷っとるあいだに 何がやりたかったのか忘れちゃうもんね! 失敗して、ちょー恥かいて、笑い話にして、 またやってみる!サイコーだ! なりたいわたしになるために、 いつだってCHOOSE GO!していくよ。 そーゆう曲! By all means, I'm going to try! Starting from things I've never done before, I will try it all! Because in the midst of being lost, You end up forgetting what you wanted to initially do!

Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires

You haven't seen Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires until you've seen them at 2 a.m. after half their instruments have been taken by audience members for a freaked-out Southern rock noise jam. // DC

Mourning [A] BLKstar

Mourning [A] BLKSTAR is the best band you should see live without any preparation for how hard your mind is about to be blown, so I'll leave it there. // DC

The Marked Men

If you ever get a chance to see The Marked Men make sure you stand in the front to fully absorb their pure hypnotic physicality. // DC