Pop Quiz: Feels

Photos: Le'Donne Morris

Photos: Le'Donne Morris

In case you missed the glorious news, Feels will soon release their debut self-titled LP (February 26 to be exact). Ahead of that release, the band has been giving glimpses of singles, including the killer "Close My Eyes." They were kind enough to take a break from all the noise to take a Pop Quiz for us!

The Grey Estates: What would the title of the Feels Netflix documentary be?

Michael: What are these Feels
Shana: Feels: today we play, tomorrow we play again
Amy: Fuck it. Because we would be very reluctant to do such a thing.
Laena: FEELS

TGE: Describe your perfect breakfast.

Michael: Lump crab Benedict prepared to perfection
Shannon: At noon with friends, under 10 dollars.
Amy: A damn fine cup of black coffee, a glass of champagne, fresh squeezed orange juice, and a bottle of bud. And a bowl of tropical fruit, like mangoes and pineapple.
Laena: coffee, potatoes, over-medium eggs, and some green thing like spinach or brussel sprouts.

TGE: What's some of the most recent music you've been obsessed with?

Michael: Tycho
Shannon: The last 2 records I bought were Rudimentary Peni-death church and The Gun Club-mother Juno, also been really into cleaners from Venus lately.
Amy: Jimmy Reed. I wake up in the morning and pop on this one record of his non-stop, Side A to Side B back to Side A again. Really really good music just never gets old.
Laena: Adult Books are putting out a new album and it's really cool.

TGE: What would your cute spirit animal be and feel free to include a picture.

TGE: If you could learn any other musical instrument what would it be?

Michael: Trumpet
Shannon: I've always wanted to get a harp, I've never played a big instrument like that, seems like fun.
Amy: The harp. They are so expensive to own and I can only imagine how frustrating they are to learn. I grew up with a piano in my house and I guess you can say it was my first instrument learned. We got an electric Wurlitzer downstairs now and I've recently started to write songs on it again. Piano is like a harp in a box.
Laena: piano

TGE: If you could play with any band, living or deceased, who would it be?

Michael: King Crimson or Stooges
Shannon: Buzzcocks
Amy: Definitely The Doors, I think it would be a spiritual experience.
Laena: David Bowie

TGE: What's been one of your most memorable moments as a band?

Michael: Playing rocket boat. Playing live in the middle of the ocean while the sun set is pure magic.
Shannon: Playing at Pompeii was really great, lotta memories...but I'd have to say that Donut at that one place.
Amy: Our drive to Canada this last tour we did with LA Witch. We seemed to be on the road the exact same time this crazy storm was happening but we were always slightly behind it. There was a mudslide on the 5N and they closed it down. After sitting in a long line of traffic for a couple hours, we were told to hang in the Walmart parking lot til the road re-opened in 4 hours give or take. Seemed crazy to me, and we had a show in Vancouver that night, still 6 hours away even in the best of conditions. Consulted with LA Witch who were in their own van, and decided to backtrack to Portland and hop on the 60- The one road everyone and their mom were trying to use to head north. We moved about a mile in an hour. That wasn't cutting it, so I dug deep in Google Maps and found us a squirrely country road to take. It was dark by then and the wind was howling and fallen trees scattered here and there. Eventually, after being in the van for 13 hours, we made it to Vancouver, took some shots, and played one hell of a show. The most miraculous part of the story though, is even after being confined to a small metal box for that long, we all got along like lambs.
Laena: The morning after we all had to sleep crammed in the van this one time in San Francisco and NO ONE complained once- everyone had a super positive attitude and we laughed it off and got breakfast, and I thought to myself "We can do anything!" 

TGE: Describe your new album using three emojis.

Michael:  😘💪😱
Shannon:  ⚡️❤️🍻
Amy:  ⛓🔥⛓
Laena:  🔥⚡️🖖

TGE: What did you want to be when you grew up?

Michael: Fighter pilot
Shannon: A sweetheart
Amy: Astronaut, or Special Agent for the X-Files
Laena: lawyer defending the environment or abused women

TGE: If you have any tattoos, what was your first one?

Michael: Perry on my chest, it's my grandmothers name and my middle name, 18 years old
Shannon: My first one is on my leg, it's Marge Simpson as a pin up girl, it's friggin huge haha, I love that one more every day.
Amy: Cyclops maneki-neko (Japanese good luck cat)
Laena: No tattoos

TGE: Which character of the Simpsons best represents each member of Feels?

Michael: Duff man
Shannon: Michael-Disco Stu, Amy-Maggie, Laena-Carl, Shannon-Lenny
Amy: I got to agree with Shannon's answers on this one, though I've always felt a strong attraction to Dolph aka Dolphin Starbeam. He's thought to be this kick-yr-ass bully but he's actually really sensitive and into art. Also, THAT NAME! C'mon now!!
Laena: I just took a "Which Simpsons Character Are You?" Quiz and got Crazy Cat Lady.