album of the week: Homebodied - The Lovely Bad Things

Waiting for the next full length from The Lovely Bad Things isn't easy, but their newest EP of breezy, relatable garage rock makes the time pass a little more quickly. Released on Burger Records, the 4-track release mixes a signature carefree sound with confessional lyrics, making for a record that feels as personal and perfect as laying in the sunshine with friends, laughing, whispering and even crying over everything and nothing.

"Hiding to Nothing" stands as a focal point - blazing guitar and constant percussion setting the tone for lovely melodies. It's light and airy, a sun-kissed breeze of secret recognition and coming together. Follow up single "Possessed Again" brings the blown out ferocity and bitting attitude that stood at the center of their debut to the forefront. The shouting, catchy lyrics and unstoppable force of guitar and drums come blasting at you, leaving an impactful impression. While closer, "Big Mac" brings it all together, a bit of bratty punk, shared sunny vocals and a lackadaisical attitude that's pointed and purposeful. For a track that talks of slacking off, staying in and making memories with friends, it's the perfect sendoff, an encapsulation of everything LBT stands for. Homebodied is the release you can reach for when you're curled up in bed avoiding the world or when you feel fearless and determined, it's personal and sincere - a best friend that's always there in music form.