Album of the Week: Yucky Duster - Yucky Duster


Yucky Duster's self-titled release is your invite to a rooftop party overlooking the city, where red cups are overflowing with warm beer, and best friends are rapidly sharing their every life lament and success. It's a safe space of rapidfire pop, with each confession lasting only minutes, but making an immediate impression. From embracing and recognizing your depression ("Real Good Case of the Bads") to falling in love with the heartbreaker who can't make up their mind ("Flip Flop"), the whole of Yucky Duster is akin to peering over someone's shoulder as they quickly make note of a shit day in their notes app.

With a running time of no more than 15 minutes, the album is immediately memorable. Their guitar pop is hummable, catchy, irreverent, but sincere. Whether it's the lover that left too soon and will never see a magical Elvis poster ("Blue Elvis") or the looming eyes of a "Construction Man" that require a quick thinking route change, Yucky Duster demonstrates an ever-changing identity. At times they're a defiant punk band, with the most relatable message about relationships in the digital age ("Break Your Phone"), while the backing vocals and pop sensibilities of "Gofer" are a dusted off take on a vintage sound. Yucky Duster is the some of the most immediate fun you'll ever have, and the good news is, the party never has to end. Press repeat, close your eyes and cozy up with your new best friends.

Yucky Duster is out now on Birdtapes.