break time: BluMoon

break time: BluMoon

Break time is a new feature on the grey estates the explores how those in the music industry practice self-care. For this first edition, we’re excited to welcome Kendra Sells of BluMoon. As Kendra revealed to TGE, self-care means roller-skating.


How long have you been roller skating and when did you first discover that it was something that helped you feel better?

I first started roller skating as a kid very randomly for a friend’s birthday party here and there. My parents would never take me themselves. I’ve been going to the rink pretty consistently, maybe once or twice a week for about a year and a half now. I used to love going so much, but it wasn’t until the beginning of 2019 that I realized “Hey...I sort of need to do this.”

When you're roller skating, what are you feeling? How does it help you? And how do you make the most of that moment for yourself?

The coolest thing about skating is that I can’t help but be fully immersed in the moment. In my head, I’m either thinking “Don’t run into that person, Don’t fall, How did that person do that trick?” I wonder what song will play next, thinking, “Wow I haven’t heard this song in years, I’m having so much fun!” I’m so present when I skate that I can’t think of anything else. My problems can wait for 1-2 hours while I’m skating, plus the endorphins from exercising while learning new skills is absolutely therapeutic.  

How do you manage to make time for yourself and self-care with the demands of life and being a musician?

The rink hosts adult skate nights every Sunday and Wednesday. It really helps that the rink has its own schedule so I don’t have to try and fit it in myself because knowing me, I would make an excuse as to why I can’t make time to go. Also, mornings are my best friend. I use to find myself scheduling days for self-care but I need to be cared about every. I work three jobs on top of being a musician and it never feels like there’s enough time in the day, but waking up earlier gives me more of a chance to try to stick to a healthy routine that starts my day.

What's your number one tip for finding a method of self-care that works for you?

Start small! My morning routine used to only consist of drinking water when I first woke up. That’s an easy thing to master — fill up a bottle before bed and then it’s right there waiting for you when you wake up. Once you see that you’re capable of knocking that out, you can start adding more steps little by little.

Self-care should be a routine and not just a reward, so start small, but most importantly just start! So many people, especially artists, struggle with a lot, emotionally and mentally, and it can feel overwhelming to tend to your truest needs, but you have to start somewhere. 
