break time: Grace Vonderkuhn

break time: Grace Vonderkuhn

Break time is a feature on the grey estates the explores how those in the music industry practice self-care. For this edition, we’re excited to welcome Grace Vonderkuhn.


How long have you been running and when did you first discover that it was something that helped you feel better? Also, because running is physically demanding, how did you find a pace and a method that works for you? 

I started running in October. My brother wanted to run a 5k for his birthday, so I thought “What the heck, I’ll give it a try.” I was going through a rough time and I found that running was very therapeutic and empowering. 

At first it was a lot of trial and error, icing my knees, and Epsom salt soaks. I’ve found that it’s really important to listen to your body and give yourself recovery time. I increase my mileage slowly. Good shoes and stretching are also a must. Plus, I cross train with yoga, which is a great way to *balance* (wink, wink) pounding the pavement with a more restorative, meditative activity. 

When you're running what are you feeling? How does it help you? And what's your tips for making the most of a moment meant for you (like do you turn off phones, etc.)

I go through a lot of different feelings from excitement and euphoria, to fatigue and determination. Besides just the natural endorphin boost, it feels great to set personal goals and achieve them. It’s something I can do just for myself. And running has been a great reminder that in life, everyone is going their own pace, on their own journey and the best thing you can do is focus on encouraging yourself and others, no matter where you are. The important thing is that you’re trying. 

I make the most of the moment for myself by jamming out to music and just being aware of the present. I aim to stay grateful for my body and the opportunity to run. 

How do you manage to make time for yourself and self-care with the demands of life and being a musician?

I NEVER thought I would be the type of person to get up early and go running before work in 24-degree weather but here I am. I’ve found that a routine is imperative for me to thrive. I feel so much better when I get up, set an intention for my day, and take time for myself. It really improves my mood and my day, so I make time. I spent a long time in the past just winging it everyday and feeling unhappy. It feels amazing to be proactive now. 

What's your number one tip for finding a method of self-care that works for you?

Often it takes difficult times to inspire change and growth. I knew I needed to step up for myself and be my own idol. I realized I could choose personal growth instead of my old patterns. To others looking for ways to love yourselves, I would say, do the thing you’ve been wanting to do. Take the kickboxing class, submit your art to that zine, say yes to opportunities that freak you out. If you keep looking, you’ll find what works for you.