break time: Tan Cologne

break time: Tan Cologne

Break time is a feature on the grey estates the explores how those in the music industry practice self-care. For this edition, we’re excited to welcome Tan Cologne. They’ll release a new album, Cave Vaults On The Moon In New Mexico on 2/14.

What does self-care mean to you, and how do you practice it? 

There are moments every day that we both take time to enjoy, such as starting the morning with cold lime water, black coffee and stretches with our pup, Cowboy. We make time to be outside in nature, most specifically soaking in the hot springs in and around our Northern New Mexico community. In the Winter, making a fire in the kiva also allows for physical and mental warmth. We find ourselves observing and sitting quietly beside it for what seems like hours. 

Why do you feel that it's important, and do you think taking that time for yourself has any impact on your art?

Absolutely, it’s very important. Our music comes directly from the time spent in our surrounding landscape and deeply experiencing the elements around us. Melting in a hot spring leaves us relaxed and mindfully present. 

How do you manage to ensure that you’re getting the most out of this time for you?

During our recording and mixing process, we chose to not have internet. We live in a very remote area, so it was a way for us to put limits on outside distractions. 

Why do you think that creators especially should take time for self-care? How do you make time for it, especially as a musician and someone also living a normal life, too?

It’s vital to have and make space for anything in being a creative human. Our senses and intuition need to be somewhat rested and ready to receive. Visions or vibrations usually come when the mind isn’t so full of worry or stress. Finding a balance that allows some open space is the most important aspect of our lives. A modern person lives a very filled up life, and even though we too work and have to work jobs, we make sure to dive deep into the time that exists without plans. 

What advice would you give someone who wants to start practicing self-care? How do they find an activity that works for them, and what do you think should be someone's ultimate goal with self-care?

Sometimes taking a long walk or drive in silence is a good place to start. It can open up an inner dialogue and connect you to your spirit. 

Warning: This video may trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised.

Third single from the forthcoming album Cave Vaults On The Moon In New Mexico by Tan Cologne. Out on Labrador 14th of February 2020.