
PONY takes your ordinary crushes and the woes of life and brings them to life with some seriously sweet garage pop. The band’s previously released CRUSHED EP was crowned an Album of the Week and left us crushing on this act. We thought our love affair had ended until they were kind enough to take a Pop Quiz and talk childhood favorite Arthur and The Batchelor/Bachelorette. Ladies and gents, this band is the real deal.

The Grey Estates: In the spirit of your EP title who were your childhood crushes and who are your adult crushes?

Linnea: As a kid, Jonathan Taylor Thomas *all the way*. As an adult, any chick in a band makes me giddy.

Sam: In my childhood, Aladdin. As an adult, Carrie Brownstein and Abbi & Ilana.

Cristina: My childhood crush is Devan Sawa in Casper when he says “Can I keep you?” Adult is also Carrie Brownstein/Abbi and Ilana!

TGE: Explain a little more about PONY and how you came together?

Linnea: A few years ago Sam and I were both dating guys that played in a band together and her bf heard some demos I had recorded on soundcloud and suggested that I get together with her and start making music. I messaged her on facebook and we met up to drink beer in the park. We ended up hanging out all day long and then I invited her over for dinner that night and we started writing together and we haven’t stopped hanging out and making music since! I put out a call out for a bassist on Facebook and Cristina replied instantly and the rest is history!

TGE: If PONY was making their own potato chip flavor, what kind would it be?


TGE: If you could have been on any seasons of the Bachelor/Bachelerotte which would you have chosen?


TGE: Which of the cast members of Arthur does each member most identify with? I think I’m a Francine.

Sam: D.W. 100%

Linnea: D.W. She’s a brat just like me.

Cristina: Francine cuz she plays soccer and has a cute bob and so do I.

TGE: Give us a PONY fun fact.

Sam and Linnea live a block away from each other but sleep in the same bed every night.

TGE: What’s next for the band after the release of this EP?

PONY: We have a show with Colleen Green at the end of August and are planning a tour with Leggy in the fall. Would also love to get some panty merch goin’.

TGE: What’s a band you’ve been listening to a lot or the last music you bought?

Linnea: Hop Along, Colleen Green, Rilo Kiley
Sam: Dilly Dally, Courtney Barnet, LEGGY!
Cristina: Prawn, Hop Along, Real Estate, Colleen Green, Tashaki Miyaki

TGE: Do you have a really memorable crush story? Once I went on two dates with a guys who painted pictures of toilets. After he told me that we didn’t go out again.

Cristina: One time I was kissing my highschool crush and he interrupted the makeout to yell “NINTENDO! LET’S PLAY NINTENDO!” I was really annoyed but let him set up the Nintendo and as soon as he turned it on it BURST INTO FLAMES and I felt like a true witch.

Linnea: One time I had a crush on this stoner and I tried to impress him by smoking all this weed and I turned into a totally non-functioning human being and had to crawl out of his apartment on my hands and knees without saying anything and he never called me again.

Sam:  I once went out with a dude who took me back to his house and made me watch videos of himself singing and he sang along IRL.

TGE: Which type of candy describes PONY best?

PONY: Lollipops!!

photo: Rima Sater