song: "Capacity" - Charly Bliss

song: "Capacity" - Charly Bliss

words: Kayla Carmicheal

As it turns out, the newest single from Charly Bliss is everything I’ve ever needed. On “Capacity,” the first track from their new album Young Enough, the Brooklyn-based quartet takes a complete departure from their punk sound and adds just a touch of pop. This new direction mixes fuzzy guitars and synths to create something totally retro, and there’s nothing about the change not to love. Even the accompanying music video incorporates 70s-80s vibes with splashes of colorful fun. The track has vocalist Eva Hendricks singing, “I’m at capacity, it’s got nothing to do with me,” as the song twinkles in the chorus. The words within the track recognize how stressful it can be when you’re spreading yourself thin, trying to please every single person in the world. And “Capacity” has Charly Bliss signing against that, bolstering their message of slowing down with a flourishing, pulsing beat, catchy choruses, and vintage dance sounds. Take your own minute to relax and give the single a stream below.

Pre-order Young Enough: Follow Charly Bliss: Directed by Michelle Zauner DP: Adam Kolodny Editor: Michelle Zauner Styling: Kelsey Randall Makeup: Juan Jaar Hair: Stefani Hernandez Gaffer: David Williamson 1st AC: Danny Flanagan Colorist: Kevin Ratigan PA: Greg Rutkin Special thanks to Caroline Cahill & John Cahill, Zach Sullivan (Sodium Ranch), Paul Hawxhurst and to Urban Outfitters for props.