song: "Unstable"& "Turf" - Blues Lawyer

song: "Unstable"& "Turf" - Blues Lawyer

Those times you've wanted to toss your phone at the wall or yell out your every frustration are reflected in the short and sweet new singles from Blues Lawyer. The band will release a brand new album titled Guess Work on May 5 and ahead of that they've shared two tracks, both of which become instant earworms in under two minutes. The album's lead single "Unstable" bites back at someone who hasn't been totally kind, decrying their text messages that send mixed signals. A simple plea stands out amidst the roughed up punk: "Don't judge me/I won't judge you/I know you're unstable too." Follow up single "Turf" takes a more jaunty approach with the guitar, as low, drawling vocals demand ever so innocently for someone to get off their "Turf". Both singles serve as a kind of mantra, a reminder to demand your worth.