the beat: NOVA ONE

Welcome to The Beat, a TGE feature where our fave artists/bands/people give us tips on makeup! The most feature to ever me! Today we welcome Roz Raskin of NOVA ONE.

photo: Brittanny Taylor

photo: Brittanny Taylor

For me, a makeup/wig routine functions as a form of self-care and self-discovery. An important piece of the NOVA ONE puzzle is the fun of costume, dressing up each night, like every show we play is halloween.

I like to start with washing my face and/or using some sort of face mask. My face does really well with a mask once every week or two.

Then i apply a primer and foundation to my face along with some mascara and eyebrow to get the eyes poppin'.

Thirdly, I put on a wig cap and apply some heavy liquid eyeliner, lipstick or lip gloss. if i'm feeling snazzy, i might even do a full lip situation and involve some lipliner. I'm keeping it tame for the moment.

I comb out whatever wig i'm wearing and carefully put it on my head, secured by pins of all sorts so it doesn't fly off in a fit of rock and roll.

NOVA ONE makeup_wig routine.jpeg