The Grey Estates Podcast: Jilian Medford (IAN SWEET)

This week on The Grey Estates Podcast we welcome the extremely talented JIlian Medford of IAN SWEET. Their debut LP drops this Friday on Hardly Art and we talk the recording, candy tricks, who we would slime, why Shia LaBeouf is always on airplanes and how depression/anxiety can overtake our brains during the creative process. It's deep, moving, made me cry and is our favorite episode. It is not our swan song, as I have learned that swan song means last episode and not something special. ANYWAYS! ENJOY! 

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p.s. Special thanks to everyone who called in and helped us create a new intro. You can call The Grey Estates hotline and leave us a message at 724-484-3763 aka 724-4-TGEPOD.

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