Toon Tunes: Ginger Foutley's Guide to Being Cool in Middle School

Last week we posted a mix inspired by Tina Belcher. The response was so great and so many people want to make mixes that Toon Tunes is now a regular feature! 

Ginger Foutley always wanted to be cool. Everyone's favorite frizzy red-haired cartoon gal was a geek, a fantastic writer, a loyal friend, and unfailingly nice. She was constantly in search of a balance in her vexing, middle-school life that she assumed would come from popularity. With the help of her forever best friends, hypochondriac Macie "Little Seal Girl" Lightfoot and gossip queen Dodie Bishop, and her on-again off-again boyfriend Darren Patterson, she tackled the constant embarrassment that comes from family, young love, and catty middle school girls. Her journal kept her every thought about her ever-changing world and feelings and that's exactly what I thought her mix should reflect. While it doesn't include any of Ginger's originals, the collection captures a lot of feelings in an early 2000's-esque combination of grungy and twee songs rooted in honesty. There's angst, a bit of confusion, and even some kisses on the lips. Like any middle school diary, it's totally awkward but still pretty cool.

- Shana of Swell Tone