video premiere: "Ellen (a Song About a Book)" - Short Fictions

video premiere: "Ellen (a Song About a Book)" - Short Fictions

Short Fictions pour their hearts out in "Ellen (a Song About a Book)," an urgency to their message reflected in a song that continues to gain momentum and strength. Shot against a backdrop of vintage visuals, the track begins simply enough with bouncy, energetic pop punk that slows down for a period of intricate and experimental guitar lines before an ending of shouting that reflects the discordant nature of a conversation that just won't happen. It's one of those musical moments that continually surprises you at every turn and demands repeated listens just to take it all in.

The track comes from The Heart is a Kaleidoscope which is available for pre-order now at via Crafted Sounds and via You've Got a Friend in Pennsylvania Recording Co.

The band gave us the details of the video saying,

"The backdrop of the video was created by ripping a bunch of werido VHS tapes that were gathered from reuse stores – as well as some of our own home videos – and green-screening in ourselves, and our cats. The process of sifting through hours of raw, arcane video footage was daunting, and honestly somewhat unsettling. The entirety of this process, as well as the green-screen shots, took place in Sam Treber's musty, windowless South Oakland (PGH) basement. After the live shots were combined with the VHS footage, the video was then recorded onto yet another VHS tape, and then ripped a final time to digital to achieve that oh-so-sought-after analog aesthetic. The video's final shot features real footage of Pittsburgh police, but unfortunately the blunt is a prop. The video was shot and edited by Sam Treber."