video premiere: "Take My Time" - Cassandra Violet

Beneath the bubbly melodies and sparkling pop of Cassandra Violet's single "Take My Time" is a serious message. The irresistible, and constant charm that begins the single remains, even as Violet battles back against the weight of sexism. As Valentine's Day draws ever closer, Violet presents her unique take on the holiday in the single that appears on the Body & Mind EP. 

I personally hate Valentine's Day, and I'm tired of the sexism that women experience in this country every day. The video is a Valentine's Day comedic horror movie: a satire in which a woman becomes so obsessed with attention from a man, she loses her mind. It's a gender flip of traditional stereotypes- instead of a woman getting objectified, a man is, to a ridiculous degree. Little girls are taught to obsess over boys but in real life, Prince Charming doesn’t come sweep you off your feet.  Obsessing about finding an idealistic romance can stifle women from thinking about what they want and who they are in the world.

You can take your own stab at love during Violet's upcoming show on 2/10 at the Resident.