Creator Chats: Caitlin Roberts (Hoop) & Lydia Lund (Chastity Belt)

Welcome to Creator Chats - a conversation among two groups, bands or people in the music industry. Today we welcome Caitlin Roberts of Hoop & Lydia Lund of Chastity Belt.

photo: Le'Donne Morris

photo: Le'Donne Morris

Caitlin Roberts: We both have some biology background, you've worked at a botanical conservatory. What drew you to study plants? 

Lydia Lund: Oooo I've loved plants for as long as I can remember, especially plants with medicinal or edible parts. I remember learning as a six year old that you could rub the spores of a fern on a nettle sting to make it better. So cool.

What are some of your early musical influences? Any current obsessions? 

I really loved the Strokes in middle school. Something about that band resonated with me more genuinely than anything else anyone was listening to. When I found my parents record collection, I started listening to Simon and Garfunkel and Joni Mitchell and other albums from the 60s and 70s. More recently, I've been listening to Alex G for at least two years straight now. I love his perfectly nostalgic layered melodies. Oh and I loovveee the new Hoop album, Super Genuine ;)

Where are you excited to visit on Chastity Belt’s tour dates this year?

We've never been to Montreal! I've heard so much about the music scene there and I'm stoked to go there myself.

Tell me a little bit about your gear.

I've had the same guitar since I was 12, it's a Korean made Strat, a real beaut. I've actually been getting more into pedals lately.... really love the sound of the one you put me on to, the rat clone. I'm a huge fan of my loop pedal, a Boss RC-30 I got a few years ago. I love getting into a music trance with that thing.

Tell me a little bit about one or two of your favorite music videos.

Kate Bush's video for her song Rubber band girl is so goofy and exhilarating. I love her dance moves, the wonky filming, and the way the video progresses to where she's swirling around in a straight jacket then ends so abruptly. It's so weird and wonderful.

What’s the last thing that made you really angry? 

I only get angry a few times a year and I usually forget almost immediately what set me off, so I don't know??

How do you feel about your Meyers-Briggs personality test and/or natal astrology chart — are they an accurate description of your personality? Why or why not? 

My Meyers-Briggs test came out as INFJ. I think it's pretty accurate, I'm definitely an introvert and am always trying to hone my intuition. Leonard Cohen and Gandhi were reportedly INFJ's too sooooo that's pretty cool ;)