song premiere: "I Did My Taxes For Free Online" - Spring Onion

song premiere: "I Did My Taxes For Free Online" - Spring Onion

Just days before a looming tax deadline and Spring Onion (Catherine Dwyer of Remember Sports & friends) emerges with a sincere and heartbreaking acoustic ballad that centers around the activity we all loathe to do — our taxes. It's the title track from an upcoming album out April 13th on Sleeper Records, and the single is one of those musical moments that hits you in the heart straightaway.

The song begins with just a simple guitar pattern, Dwyer recounting a Saturday night that includes completing her taxes and the morning that arrived after. While the track rattles off a number of everyday activities it's the message that's hidden in a melody which strikes an emotional note. "I will love you always baby/just don't look at me," Dwyer sings. We're left to wonder whether the refund saved for a sunny day was ever spent, and what caused Dwyer to finally reach a place where she feels well enough to brush her teeth. Our most ordinary days can often be the most impactful and in the case of this day in the life from Spring Onion a warm, guitar driven track that's led by Dwyer's sincerest confessions leaves a lasting impression.

Catherine explained the track as: This song is about relishing the painful aspects of doing something unpleasant (though ultimately beneficial). “I Did My Taxes for Free Online” represents a big step forward in my own arrangement and production abilities, and I was honored to have Pete Gill (of Philly’s own Friendship) play pedal steel. 

The band contains a rotating cast of members for live and recorded performances including Catherine Dwyer, Carmen Perry, Santi Slade, Lucas Knapp, and Jack Washburn.