Toon Tunes: Arnold Shortman (Hey Arnold!)

Toon Tunes: Arnold Shortman (Hey Arnold!)

words & mix: Tyler Taormina (Cloud)

I chose Arnold because when I first moved to Los Angeles a bit over four years ago I wanted to create a television show that would ostensibly be the next Hey Arnold. That was literally my life’s plan. The show is wise, heartfelt, charming, and super mellow. Arnold is a great representation of the virtue we should strive for and the disposition in which we should meet this insanely beautiful and unjust world.  He’s a bold kid.  These tunes I think he would appreciate as he lay on his retractable couches in his dope room with a sky view.  He would listen to very relaxed and sophisticated jazz-like music if I remember correctly. So this one’s for you, Arnie, to be listened to with that half smile at the end of a long day.
